Featured photo: Levels Step Fitness performing a step demo at the re-opening ceremony of Doyle Ryder Elementary School, in Flint, June 15.
Written by Tanya Terry
Genesee County’s health behaviors are some of the poorest in the state, according to the Flint & Genesee County, Michigan Community Health Needs Report 2022. The report further states Genesee County’s obesity rate is significantly higher than state and national averages, and the combined obesity and overweight rate for Genesee County is 72.4%. Obesity and overweight prevalence has been trending upward over the last five years. Many low-income residents cannot afford access to fitness centers. Additionally, transportation and other accessibility factors may present barriers to physical activity resources.
The Community Health Needs Report points out children with obesity are two times more likely than their non-obese peers to die before the age of 55, and obesity increases an individual’s risk of developing serious chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Obesity has additionally been a compounding risk factor for complications and death associated with COVID-19 infection since 2020.
Jashell Mitchell, founder of Invisible Giants Legacy and Leadership Foundation, reached out to Corinthian Carouthers, an instructor at Levels Fitness Studio and her brother, Quintin “Q” Carouthers, owner of and trainer at Levels, about providing activities that promote good health Saturday, July 8 and Sunday, July 9. The activities will take place at Iroquois Park, next to King School.
“Levels step fitness is healthy fitness and recreation, which our community definitely needs,” said Mitchell. “For us at Invisible Giants it’s all about education, recreation and sports.”
Mitchell explained the classes are made available for free through a partnership between Invisible Giants and Keep Genesee County Beautiful, a program of Genesee County Parks, which allows organizations to showcase resources in the community.
“To me, being outside in the sun is a huge benefit-to be able to breathe deeply and have that good flow of oxygen,” said Quintin Carouthers. “Of course, being outside always provides a great uplifting for people. If you compare running on a treadmill to running outside, I think most people would prefer outside just because of the energy that it provides.”
Quintin Carouthers said being in the area of Iroquois Park could be especially refreshing.
“It’s community-focused, and we just wanted to be able introduce a new form of fitness and exercise to the community,” said Corinthian Carouthers.
Corinthian Carouthers told the Courier that when Jashell Mitchell reached out to her and her brother “it was an absolute yes.”
Corinthian Carouthers said community is very important, especially in the Iroquois Park neighborhood! She added both Invisible Giant’s and Levels Fitness’ visions align with giving people hope, inspiration and means to make themselves better through health, fitness, exercise and nutrition.
Along with the other happenings, giveaways will take place Saturday.
Invisible Giants will be giving away Nike swag bags with exercise equipment.
There will also be a giveway of a free levels step fitness workshop. Beginner, intermediate and experienced classes are offered to people who are interested in learning how to do step aerobics. The level one classes consists of eight sessions and will be given away. The level one classes takes place from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
At noon, on Saturday, in Iroquois Park, levels step fitness is being offered for our levels. It is intended to give participants a general idea of what step aerobics is, help participants get their heart rates up and still have fun.
According to Quintin Carouthers, levels step fitness has three benefits that instructors trainers work with individuals on: helping heart through cardio activity, encouraging movement of the body through the stepping and helping the brain because of the memorization of steps required.
“The research shows when you combine music, movement and memory for choreography, it has great benefits for brain and things that happen with it, like Alzheimer’s,” said Quintin Carouthers.
On Sunday, Yoga with Jasmine Hall is being offered at the same location. According to John Hopkins Medicine, regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts. Several of the factors contributing to heart disease, including high blood pressure and excess weight, can also be addressed through yoga, according to John Hopkins Medicine.
When Genesee County residents were asked via the 2022 CHNA Community Resident Survey what the three most important health problems were in our community, obesity had the fifth highest number of responses at 19%. Residents also indicated poor eating habits (30%) and lack of exercise (18%) as top risky behaviors in our community.
Although this weekend’s classes are free, donations to Invisible Giants will be accepted. These funds will help the organization continue to provide healthy opportunities in education, recreation and sports.
To learn more about Invisible Giants, visit https://www.invisiblegiantsflint.com/.
For details on Levels Fitness Studio , visit https://www.thelevelsstudio.com/
To learn more about Keep Genesee County Beautiful, click here: https://geneseecountyparks.org/keep-genesee-county-beautiful/