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Two Flint City Council members continue pursuit of ARPA Committee lawsuit

Written By Jameca Patrick-Singleton, with photo by Jameca Patrick-Singleton

First Ward Councilman Eric Mays and Sixth Ward Councilwoman Tonya Burns are appealing a decision that was made by Judge Chris Christenson on  November 13 to dismiss a lawsuit that the pair, alongside six residents, filed earlier this year against Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley. The lawsuit, which claims that by appointing an advisory committee to make recommendations on how ARPA funds would be used, the mayor violated the city charter.

“One of the main reasons that I feel very strongly about pursuing this, is that the city charter as it is, defines what a multi-member body that is a decision-making body is and how they are to be created,” Burns said. “If we continue to allow bodies to be created in this matter, we are in violation of the charter. We cannot continue to not follow our own city charter.”

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