Dozier Memorial C.M.E. Church
2312 S. Saginaw Street
Reverend Antoine Shyne, Pastor
Church Hosts Pre-Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Ball Feb. 13th. Whether you are single, married, newlyweds or have been married for decades, Dozier Memorial C.M.E. Church’s Pre-Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Ball is an opportunity to come together to celebrate the gift of love. Everyone Is Welcome! Come join us for a fun-filled evening of music by Robert “Baad Boy” Logan, spoken word and encouraging fellowship. Spend an evening of elegance Friday, Feb. 13th at 7:00 p.m. until at the UAW Local 599, 812 Leith and North Street. For tickets call the church 810.234-7892 or by calling Clyde Greenard 810.743-3027, Wade Logan 810.449-7515. (Non-alcoholic beverage only)