Community Headlines Holiday

MLK Day celebration held at Black Lives Matter

Written by and photos by L. M. Land

There were many events happening on Martin Luther King’s birthday in Flint, with many at the same time. On January 20, 2025, the Courier went to the Black Lives Matter tribute to Dr. King.

Hubert Roberts spoke about issues facing Black persons today, playing videos of Dr. King’s speeches and how some issues in the 1960s still relate today.

The children in the Freedom school did a presentation about what they have learned about Martin Luther King.  They also reminded us that:

“I know me.

I accept me.

I love me.

I forgive me.

There’s a higher power that lives
within me!” 

Discussed by Tony Garvin was the fact that Paula Simmons is not satisfied with the lack of word she has received by the police department, city hall or the attorney general office about the death of her son, Rayvon Shahid, by Flint Police officers.

Rayvon was shot and killed on November 2, 2024. The evidence was given to the attorney general on November 20, 2024.  The information Garvin had is that he was shot seven times in the back, once in the back of the head.

Black Lives Matter has petitions anyone can stop by the Black Lives Matter and sign, requesting Flint City Council and State Attorney General Dana Nessel understand that a grieving mother needs closure and has a community that cares.  The petitions request the officers’ names and the video cams.

Simmons has been told 100 days were needed to review the evidence.

But, recently, she was told another 100 days is needed.

“It is taking too long…we are talking about a young man who lost his life, and a mother who is grieving,” stated Gavin.

He stressed that since November 20, 2024, not one of these agencies have given Ms. Simmons adaquate information about her son’s death.

Anyone can sign the petitions, as this petition is not about an election.  Stop by the Black Lives Matter Flint to sign the petition at Oak Business Center 2712 N. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48505.

DeWaun E. Robinson, Black Lives Matter Flint president



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