Community Local News

Mary Hood is Genesee County’s newest circuit court judge

Written by and photos by L. M. Land

Featured photo: Mary Hood took the Oath of Office on a bible held by her husband. The Honorable Tabitha Marsh presided.

Mary Hood’s investiture as 7th Circuit Court of Genesee County Judge was held on January 23, 2025, at the beautiful St. Michael’s Conference Center. The event was well attended by the community, her fellow judges, family and friends.

Hood is the first judge to be elected to the bench in Genesee County from the Family Division circuit court referee position. Hood held that position for 22 years.

The oath of office was lead by the Honorable Tabitha Marsh, 67th District Court Judge. Hood swore her oath with a hand on the bible held by her husband, Bennie Hood. Hood’s daughter ,Akilah Brown-King  put the robe on her mother’s shoulders and helped with a zipper malfunction.

The Honorable Kameshia D. Gant, 6th Circuit Court Judge, presented Hood with an African print sash from the Association of Black Judges of Michigan. Gant is a past president of the association.

Other notable speakers were Steve Dawes -UAW Region 1-D chair, Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton, Attorneys George Hamo and Shelley Spivack and Hood’s sister, Pastor Tanya C. Stokes. The Honorable Valdemar Washington was the Master of Ceremonies.

A gavel was presented to Hood by her sorority sisters from Zeta Phi Beta.

The local chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority presented Hood with a gavel.

Hood was honest about how much hard work it is to get on the ballot and become elected, having devoted three years of her life to this goal.

Gratitude was generous to all who helped and voted for her on her campaign trail, including her family, through to the people who walked door to door for her throughout Genesee County.

Hood’s parents passed when she was a young adult, and she remembered them as strong and loving parenting that laid the foundation for her future career. To honor them, two chairs were placed at the front of the dais, one for each parent.

Music was provided by Hood’s grandson, KeShaun Brown, Tramell Hamilton and jazz pianist Roger Jones.

“One other thing,” concluded Hood, “I held on to my faith, even as sometimes it seemed to be slipping away from me. In conclusion, three weeks into my new role, I am undoubtedly certain that my work has just begun.  I am certainly where I am supposed to be at this time of my life.”

“Success will require your undivided attention.  It will require you to be alone, often. It will require you to wait for things you feel you need immediately. It may require you to leave some people you love behind. Succeed anyway.” – The Honorable Mary Hood.

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