Letter to the Public
By Wantwaz Davis
It really disturbs me when people make comments about critical issues, with very little information. All Mayoral candidates were handed a package from the clerk’s office, explaining the rules and regulations, including the deadline for turning in our petitions, that is, April 28, 2015, no later than 4:00 p.m., all of this was in writing.
There was nothing suspicious that would have given us any reason to call the election division in Lansing, Michigan, inquiring about a deadline, when we had April 28, 2015 in writing, enclosed in the package, connected with all of the other rules and details about the mayoral elections.
Unfortunately, after we were certified to be on the ballot, the state called the city clerk’s office and told them that anyone who didn't turn their petitions in by April 21, 2015 would not be eligible to be on the ballot, regardless that 4 of us were certified to be on the ballot, for the August 4, 2015 primary election for mayor. We complied with the rules we were given in writing in our election package.
Yes, it was a clerical error, but pointing fingers have to stop. I am one who strongly believes that nothing ever happens without the permission of God. There is a divine purpose and plan behind this drastic and devastating mistake. There is a quote in the bible that God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. My goal from this point moving forward is to spiritually study and meditates about this unfortunate occasion and eventually discover the underlining purpose, embrace it and move beyond the scope of disappointment and dismay, by running a grass root campaign, like never seen before.
Flint, Michigan residents of all ethnic groups are in dire need of help, especially on the North and east side, but certainly will not discount the west nor south side either. I just know that funds nor any economic and development opportunities never reaches to the North nor East side, but I tell you this there will be a balance of economic and development (money and Jobs) on all four sections of this beautiful city, North, South, East, and West.
Thank you and may God continue to bless each and every one of you. Wantwaz Davis