Headlines Local News

Special council meeting called to complete urgent city business

FLINT, Mich.—The City of Flint administration is calling a special city council meeting this Thursday, September 14 for the purpose of accomplishing critical city business that the council did not complete during their Monday, September 11 meetings.

The agenda will include four resolutions:
1. 230301 CO#4/Contract/Shelter of Flint/Contract No. 21-088
2. 230306 J.F. Cavanaugh Company/WPC Influent Chamber/Emergency Repair
3. 230308 Lake Star Construction Services, lnc./Lead Remediation/Lead Based Paint Hazard Program
4. Resolution (# TBD) to approve tentative agreement between the City of Flint and AFSCME Council 25, Local 1799

The emergency repair of the Water Pollution Control influent gate requires immediate attention. This piece of equipment controls the direction of raw sewage inflow at the treatment plant. City council must immediately authorize expenditure of funds for this repair to protect public health and ensure the proper functioning of the Water Pollution Control center.

Two other matters that impact the health and safety of Flint residents also require immediate attention. One is a resolution to provide an additional $25,000 in Emergency Solutions Grant funding (ESG-HUD) to the Shelter of Flint for emergency shelter services. An additional $378,000 in HUD funding must be allocated to Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Program to complete remediation of 13 homes through a contract with Lake Star Construction Services.

Finally, a resolution approving a tentative agreement between the City of Flint and AFSCME Council 25, Local 1799 would revise the wage scale to make it consistent with the wage scale update that was approved for 1600 last month. This impacts city employees who are dedicated to serving Flint residents every day.

This is a moment for Flint residents, as they have before, to reach out to their councilmembers and encourage them to move the city business forward for the benefit of our entire community. If city council again does not complete its work after this further opportunity, the administration has said they will be forced to use emergency protocols to ensure that city services are not negatively impacted.

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