Photo by Santi Vedrí on Unsplash
National Summer Learning week takes place July 6-11 virtually via Facebook.
Most students lose two months of mathematical skills every summer, and low income children typically lose another two to three months in reading.
The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) is a national, non-profit organization focused on the powerful impact of one achievable goal: investing in summer learning to help close the achievement gap. National Summer Learning Week is an advocacy week, founded by the National Summer Learning Association aimed at elevating the importance of keeping kids learning, safe and healthy every summer, and ensuring they return to school in the fall ready to succeed.
The Flint & Genesee Literacy Network is partnering with a wide array of public agencies, community-based organizations, schools, libraries, museums, recreation centers, camps and businesses in the Flint community to contribute to the well-being of youth through summer programming. Youth and their families are invited to join them for National Summer Learning Week at, a Facebook page on which other valuable community information is also posted.
The Flint & Genesee Literacy Network, along with partner organizations, is committed to sending a powerful message to the community that summers matter, by presenting the local Summer Learning Week.
For additional details on the Flint Literacy Network, visit