In an effort to unite and empower the community, state Representative Cynthia Neeley (D-Flint) will be participating in the “My People Walk” which will start in downtown Flint and calls on people to walk and pray.
The “My People Walk takes place at 10 a.m. June 6, starting at 125 E. Kearsley, in Flint. Participants are asked to arrive 30 minutes early. Face masks and social distancing is required, and face masks will be made available to those who need them.
“Everyone from every community is welcome to join us in this incredible community gathering,” Rep. Neeley said. “We need unity in all our communities, and this is open to all. Even if you don’t pray, even if you can’t walk, you can join us for some brotherhood and sisterhood. Who doesn’t need to be uplifted in these troubled times?”