By Courier Staff
FLINT, Mich. – Mayor Karen Weaver said it’s now time for her administration to finish what it started now that the attempt to recall her has proven unsuccessful. Weaver beat 17 other opponents vying for mayor in a contentious recall effort that she said was unwarranted.
“I kept telling myself that I needed to stay prayed up and focused because I knew how I got into the office. It was because of God and the people,” said Weaver. “I knew that I hadn’t done anything egregious to the office. I didn’t deserve to be in a recall,” she said.
Moving forward Weaver said her staff will continue working to ensure good water quality standards. In addition, her administration will continue to address issues concerning public safety, economic development, and removal of blight in the city.
Weaver will welcome five new council members as she and her administration work to move the city forward.
Unofficial results of Flint’s City Council elections are as follows:
Ward 1, incumbent Eric Mays beat Anita Brown
Ward 2, newcomer Maurice Davis beat incumbent Jackie Poplar
Ward 3, newcomer Santino Guerra beat incumbent Kerry Nelson
Ward 4, incumbent Kate Fields beat newcomer Michael Doan
Ward 5, newcomer Jeri Winfrey-Carter beat incumbent Wantwaz Davis
Ward 6, incumbent Herbert Winfrey beat newcomer Chia Morgan
Ward 7, incumbent Monica Galloway beat newcomer Heather Morolla Kale
Ward 8, newcomer L. Allan Griggs beat fellow newcomer Joyce Ellis-McNeal. Incumbent Vicki VanBuren did not seek re-election. In Ward 9, newcomer Eva Worthing was the only name on the ballot as incumbent Scott Kincaid did not seek re-election, opting to run for mayor instead.
In an interview with the Courier, Weaver thanked her supporters.
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Sheri L. Stuart is a multi-platform journalist who enjoys delivering business, consumer and lifestyle news to a global audience.