Great Lakes Baptist District Holds 62nd Annual Session
Rev. Lewsi Randolph, Moderator Sis. Gwendolyn Charleston, GLBD Woman’s Pres.
The Great Lakes Baptist District (GLBD) will hold its annual session on July 13th-20th at the Grace Emmanuel Baptist Church where Vice Moderator Dr. Marvin A. Jennings is the pastor.
This year’s theme is “The Dangers of Drifting,” with an emphasis on James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
The session will kick off with a musical on Sun., July 13th at 7 PM. The following morning sessions will commence at 8:30 AM each day and evening sessions will begin promptly at 6:45 PM with praise and worship.
The session will have a number of guest speakers throughout the week. Wednesday, July 16th, Sharon Floyd, President of the Wolverine State Convention’s Women’s Auxillary will be the guest speaker. The next night, Thurs., July 17th, the guest speaker will be Dr. Charles Adams, pastor of the Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit. Friday, July, 18th, Gwendolyn Charleston, the GLBD Woman’s President, will give her annual address. And on Sun., July 20th, GLBD Moderator Dr. Lewis Randolph, will give his annual address. Grace Emmanuel is located at 3502 Lapeer Rd. in Flint.
Moderator Randolph welcomes and encourages all to attend the scheduled services. For additional information on the week’s events, please call 810-789-2931.