Community Headlines Local News

$15,660,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funding to support community programs

Application periods starts today!

FLINT, Mich.—Eligible organizations can now apply for funds to administer community programs that will serve Flint residents in three priority program areas—housing and blight elimination, public health and economic development.  The application period is open as of January 23, 2023 and will close March 27, 2023.

 A total of $15,660,000 is available for community grant programs as part of Flint’s allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. The community grant funding is a portion of the $94.7 million Flint was awarded under the federal aid program designed to help the nation recover from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The allocation amount for community grant programs was determined by the Flint City Council and Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley after a community engagement process to identify Flint residents’ priorities for the ARPA funding. Listening sessions took place throughout Spring 2022.

 The application and program requirements are detailed in the Notice of Funding Opportunity, available at

“We’ve designed this grant application process to make funding available for a broad range of Flint-based organizations,” Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley said. “I look forward to seeing the transformative impact of the innovative solutions they bring to address our community’s priorities.”

The housing and blight elimination programs are intended to help local organizations fight blight and strengthen neighborhoods through activities that could include home repairs, cleanups, developing new housing, creative alternative uses of vacant lots and homeowner education. A total of $8,160,000 is allocated for housing and blight elimination programs.

Another $4.5 million is allocated for organizations to administer programs supporting public health in the areas of healthcare equity, access and research; increasing food access; mental health referrals and services support; and youth wellness programs spanning education, leadership and recreation.

An additional $3 million will support economic development through youth job training programs and small business grants. Additional economic development grant programs will be forthcoming.

Final funding award decisions will be made by the Flint City Council and Mayor Neeley. The grant applications will be reviewed by an ARPA Community Advisory Committee comprising Flint residents from each ward, who will make funding recommendations to the city council and the mayor. Committee selection is pending and members will be announced soon.

Help is available for nonprofits, businesses and community-based organizations interested in applying for funds. Technical assistance providers are available to answer general questions and interpret requirements, provide support with project concept and budget development, offer assistance with accessing the application system and coordinate with the City of Flint for financial and reporting compliance questions. Prospective applicants can email or contact one of the following technical assistance providers to request help:


Flint Innovative Solutions

Athena McKay



Neighborhood Engagement Hub

Michelle Kachelski



North Flint Neighborhood Action Council

Patrick McNeal



The Power Initiative

Claricha Evans



Social Impact Philanthropy & Investment (SIPI)

Steve Wolbert



The community grant funds must be obligated by Dec. 31, 2024 and spent by Dec. 31, 2026. The U.S. Treasury Department encourages state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to invest in projects that promote equitable outcomes. Flint is required to report quarterly to the U.S. Treasury Department on its funded projects and expenditures.

At a press conference held on Jan. 23, Mayor Neeley advised residents who previously completed forms with Flint City Council in order to receive ARPA funding to take part in the official process. More information will follow in the Flint Courier News.


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