Another virtual town hall will be held this WEDNESDAY AT 6:30 P.M., led by the Co-Lead Class Counsel for the Flint Water Crisis settlement.
Thousands of Flint Water Crisis claimants have received notices regarding missing documents or information essential for their claims, such as IDs, signatures, or proof of residence. They have thirty (30) days to submit the required documentation to remain eligible for the settlement.
To address this, members of the Co-Lead Class Counsel are hosting a series of virtual town halls to clarify the notices and help claimants address any deficiencies. The second town hall is scheduled for this Wednesday, July 24th, at 6:30 P.M. E.T. All attendees must register in advance for the virtual Town Hall here.
The last town hall is scheduled for Sunday, July 28th, at 3:00 P.M. E.T. If you would like to watch previous town halls, click here.