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Michigan National Guard authorized to protect First Amendment rights to peaceful assembly, support public safety in Wisconsin

On August 27, upon the request of Governor Tony Evers (WI), Governor Gretchen Whitmer authorized the use of two companies of Michigan National Guardsmen and women in Wisconsin. These Guard professionals will operate under State Active Duty through an Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). They are not federalized, and Governor Whitmer can call them back to Michigan at any time.

“Michigan’s dedicated National Guardsmen and women have played a vital role to keep Michiganders safe in recent months during the pandemic, and they were a key factor in ensuring peaceful protests in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Lansing after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor earlier this summer,” Whitmer said. “Following a request from Governor Evers, I have authorized the use of two companies of the Michigan National Guard to assist civil authorities with public safety. I am confident that our guardsmen and women will work hard to keep our neighbors in Wisconsin safe while working to protect their First Amendment rights to peaceful assembly.”

“The Michigan National Guard is always ready to support civil authorities when requested to assist,” said Maj. Gen. Paul Rogers, adjutant general and director of the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

“The men and women of the Michigan National Guard are well trained, equipped and ready to assist our neighbors and emergency response partners in Wisconsin to protect people, their property and their right to peacefully protest,” Rogers added.



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