Community Health and Wellness

Greater Flint Health Coalition opens new headquarters in downtown Flint

Featured photo: GFHC Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Greater Flint Health Coalition, a nonprofit focused on improving the health status of citizens in Flint and Genesee County, has officially opened its new headquarters at 120 W First Street, in downtown Flint, following a ribbon cutting ceremony and community grand opening held on Tuesday, August 17th
Originally constructed in 1929 as the Merchants & Mechanics Bank building at the corner of First Street and Buckham Alley, the Greater Flint Health Coalition’s new headquarters has revitalized and modernized a long vacant property that will now serve as home to more than 50 nonprofit sector jobs while providing community accessible opportunities to access public health and healthcare sector programs operated to support children, adults and families in the region.

“This new facility in the heart of downtown Flint will allow for the Greater Flint Health Coalition to provide more accessible health and wellness services and increased support systems to address the health needs of residents in the greater Flint community,” said Kirk D. Smith, president & CEO.

“The resulting infrastructure will further advance downtown Flint’s revitalization, and also enhance collaborative health innovation initiatives with multi-sector partners throughout Michigan,” Smith added.

Established in 1996, the Greater Flint Health Coalition’s mission is to improve the health status of community residents, as well as the quality and cost effectiveness of the community’s health care system. A neutral convener of multi-sector community and institutional partners, Health Coalition programs and partnerships include Genesee CHAP (Community Health Access Program), the Flint Healthcare Employment Opportunities (FHEO) Program, Flint Registry, Connecting Kids to Coverage, Commit to Fit and Flint
ReCAST. Greater Flint Health Coalition also serves as the backbone organization for the Genesee Community Health Innovation Region (CHIR) as designated by the state of Michigan, one of five Michigan regions creating innovation to integrate clinical healthcare services and social services organizations to address social related health needs of residents impacted by health inequities and social vulnerabilities.

“The Greater Flint Health Coalition has been dedicated to helping everyone in the community be proactive about their health and happiness for nearly three decades,” said Senate Minority Leader and GFHC Board Chair Jim Ananich at the ribbon cutting ceremony.

“Our programs address the needs of real people facing real challenges, from the water crisis to the opioid epidemic to physical fitness and beyond,” Ananich added. “Today’s grand opening of our new facility means we have  a new home base for carrying out this critical mission and a space to expand our thriving
programs. We’re grateful for the support of each community leader and partner organization that had a role in making this day a reality.”

The renovation of the Health Coalition’s new facility was first made possible by Phil Hagerman, Founder of Skypoint Ventures, who gifted the building, located at 120 W. First Street. Funders and financing partners supporting the renovation and establishment of the new Health & Wellness District facility include the C.S. Mott Foundation, Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), City of Flint Community Development Block Grant Program, Michigan Health Endowment Fund, Daniel and Pamella DeVos
Foundation, ELGA Credit Union and Mid-Michigan Health Consortium.

“The addition of the Greater Flint Health Coalition’s new headquarters to downtown Flint will strengthen health services within the community and further build on Flint’s ongoing economic revitalization,” said MEDC Senior Vice President of Community Development Michele Wildman.

“It is through the hard work of many partners that this project has become a reality, and MEDC is pleased to be part of that collaboration,” Wildman added.\

To learn more about the Greater Flint Health Coalition, visit

About the Greater Flint Health Coalition
Established in 1996, the Greater Flint Health Coalition is a Flint, Michigan-based nonprofit organization and partnership between Genesee County hospitals, physicians, business, insurers, public health professionals, policymakers, government leaders, educators, organized labor, community organizations, residents and all those concerned about the well-being of our community and its residents. The two-fold mission of the
Greater Flint Health Coalition is to improve the health status of Genesee County residents and the quality and cost-effectiveness of the health care system in the community.

Renovated exterior

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