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Flint residents can help decide fate on four major matters in May 4 Special Election

Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley is urging residents to support the Flint Police and Fire departments with their yes votes on the public safety millage renewal during the Special Election May 4.

“Supporting this millage is critically important,” he said. “We cannot afford to lose this funding. We are at the intersection of crisis, and renewing this millage is absolutely essential to ensure funding stability for public safety.”

The May 4 ballot includes two millage renewals Flint residents will vote on-one for public transportation and one for the City of Flint police and fire protection.

According to the county’s website, if passed the Flint City Police and Fire Protection Millage would call for the city’s charter to be amended to renew the existing millage of 6 mills ($6 per $1,000) on the taxable valuation as finally equalized, from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2026. It is estimated that six mills would raise approximately $4,728,900.00 in the first year of renewal for the sole purpose of funding police and fire protection. This renewal does not involve a tax increase.

Also, according to Genesee County’s website,, voters can decide whether the city of Flint’s charter be amended to authorize renewal of the existing .60 mills ($.60 per $l,000) on the taxable value of all real and personal property within the city from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2027. It is estimated that .60 mills would raise approximately $472,900 in the first year of the renewal. If accepted, this renewal would not involve any additional taxes for residents. All revenue received would be used solely for the purpose of funding public transportation services within the city by the Flint Mass Transportation Authority (MTA).
The Genesee Health System’s Community Mental Health Millage is intended to help reinforce the Genesee Health System with sufficient public health infrastructure to improve the treatment of people with mental health needs, to address law enforcement/first responders with crisis intervention teams and mental health response training, to address law enforcement/mental health co-response and jail diversion, to address court/corrections mental health supports and services, to address suicide and crisis prevention, to address schools crisis and de-escalation, to address crisis center and crisis stabilization and to address health and wellness for vulnerable populations. The millage is an increased amount of $0.94 per $1,000 of taxable property for a period of 10 years, beginning with the 2021 levy and extending through the 2030 levy. It is estimated this will raise over $9.5 million in the first year. Of this, 298,584 will be dispersed to other cities and municipalities through the county in the first year.
In addition, Genesee County residents will vote on a 911 consortium surcharge. The surcharge would allow for a charge on all landline, wireless and voice over the internet protocol service users located within Genesee County of up to $1.86 per month until December 31, 2026, if approved. This will be used for 9-1-1 emergency call answering and dispatch services within Genesee County including facilities, equipment, and maintenance and operating costs.

Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4.

Flint City Hall, 1101 S. Saginaw Street, also is open for absentee voting Saturday and Monday. Registered voters can request an absentee ballot at the City Clerk’s Office until 4 p.m. Monday, May 3, the day before the election.
Residents who need to register to vote or update their voter registration address can still vote absentee on Saturday, Monday or on Tuesday (Election Day) at Flint City Hall.

To read the above in their entirety with exact language and see all what is on the ballot for voters in other cities, municipalities and school districts, including Bendle Public Schools in Burton, click here:

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