FLINT, Mich.—The City of Flint Fire Department installed 1,000 free smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in Flint residents’ homes from August 2023 to January 1, 2024. According to the State Fire Marshal, Flint has installed more alarms in residents’ homes than any other fire department statewide.
In August 2023, Flint joined many communities throughout Michigan in receiving alarm donations via Operation Save A Life. The Flint Fire Department received 665 smoke alarms and 333 carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. Building on the success of this program, the State of Michigan is donating an additional 300-400 alarms to the Flint Fire Department.
Flint residents can continue to call the Flint Fire Department at (810) 762-7336 ext. 5102 to request free fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarm installation. Fire Department staff will schedule appointments for firefighters to visit residents’ homes to complete installations.