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Water Quality Expert Come To Town

Water Quality Expert Come To Town

5th ward City Councilman Wantwaz DavisWantwaz David photo

Over the previous weekend, the residents in Flint, Michigan was blessed to have a water quality expert come to town; Robert Bowcock; at the behest of environmentalist Mrs. Erin Brockovich. I had the pleasure in spending 8 hours with him, upon his arrival. He shared a wealth of information with me and others, including the president of the Concerned Pastors, Mr. Harris.

I was disturbed by some of the information he extended, that has not been explained to the residents in the city of Flint, i.e., TTHM is dangerous to all household members who constantly take hot showers or wash dishes with hot water temperatures. The volatile chemicals can circulate in the air, while you sleep at night, and could cause liver or colon cancer. Pregnant women in their third trimester stage could have a premature, low weight baby. The only reason why TTHM is expressed to the public, by the DEQ and EPA is because of regulations. There are a total of 9 regulated chemicals in the water, and TTHM is one of them, however, there  are hundreds of harmful chemicals that have not become regulated by the EPA.

Lead and copper could be in your pipes, flowing through the tap. Federal regulations only require testing for them every 4 years. To say that the water is safe to drink is erroneous. From a Federal stance neither The EPA nor the DEQ have come into Flint, Michigan to actually test the water coming through the residents tap. It may be safe exiting the water plant, however, by the time it reaches to a resident's home there is a possibility that it has become tainted and harmful for consumption.

Rates and quality of water could be adjusted if the water plant would cut back on some of the chemicals used to purify the water, per Bowcock. For example, fluoride, lime and softener in the water could be removed and not used anymore. The water first goes through a filter and is considered clean and unfortunately transferred to another stage where softener and lime is added, which only adds more dirt back into the water. Mr. Bowcock, I, and others, including council members were perplexed about the process. His final statement was changing the chemical process in the water plant could produce quality water, and also lower the water rates.

If the water has an odor, discoloration, or foam, his suggestion was for us to not drink it. If the city refuses to rectify the problem, then we should pursue getting our water back from Detroit, until the KYVA pipe line is finished. 

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