Galilean Baptist Church
109 W. Holbrook
Rev. Sean D. Payne, Pastor
The church family of GBC is excited about our 3rd Visionary Leadership Appreciation Celebration in honor and recognition of our God sent Leader/Pastor, Rev. Sean D. Payne and our beautiful First Lady Sonya. The celebration will begin with a banquet on Saturday, July 25th at 4:00 p.m. on the campus of Galilean with our special
guest Minister Alfred Harris Jr. Youth Pastor of Saints of God. We will continue
the celebration during our morning Praise and Worship Service Sunday July 26th at 11:15am with our special guest Dr. Major Stewart, Pastor of Mt. Olive M.B.C. The celebration will conclude at 4:00 p.m. with special guests Dr. Reginald Flynn and the Foss Avenue Baptist Church. Come out and celebrate with us as we give God praise for giving us a visionary leader.